List Of Country Is Eligible To Apply For Vietnam E-Visa 2023
The E-visa Vietnam program allows foreign citizens of 80 eligible countries that hold a passport valid for at least two (2) months after arrival to Vietnam, to travel to and within the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for up to 30 consecutive days. It is electronically issued; a single entry visa that must be requested at least two (2) working days prior to the departure date.
No. | ICAO | Nation | Notes |
1 | AND | Andorra | |
2 | ARG | Argentina | |
3 | ARM | Armenia | |
4 | AUS | Australia | |
5 | AUT | Austria | |
6 | AZE | Azerbaijan | |
7 | BLR | Belarus | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
8 | BEL | Belgium | |
9 | BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
10 | BRA | Brazil | |
11 | BRN | Brunei | Visa Exemption of 14 days |
12 | BGR | Bulgaria | |
13 | CAN | Canada | |
14 | CHL | Chile | Visa Exemption of 90 days |
15 | CHN | China (Including Hong Kong and Macau. Not apply for Chinese passport electronic passport - passport number starts with letter E) |
16 | COL | Colombia | |
17 | HRV | Croatia | |
18 | CUB | Cuba | |
19 | CYP | Cyprus | |
20 | CZE | Czech Republic | |
21 | DNK | Denmark | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
22 | EST | Estonia | |
23 | FJI | Fiji | |
24 | FIN | Finland | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
25 | FRA | France | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
26 | GEO | Georgia | |
27 | D | Germany | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
28 | GRC | Greece | |
29 | HUN | Hungary | |
30 | ISL | Iceland | |
31 | IND | India | |
32 | IRL | Ireland | |
33 | ITA | Italy | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
34 | JPN | Japan | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
35 | KAZ | Kazakhstan | |
36 | KOR | Korea (South) | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
37 | LVA | Latvia | |
38 | LIE | Liechtenstein | |
39 | LTU | Lithuania | |
40 | LUX | Luxembourg | |
41 | MKD | Macedonia The former Yugoslav of | |
42 | MLT | Malta | |
43 | MHL | Marshall Islands | |
44 | MEX | Mexico | |
45 | FSM | Micronesia Federated States of | |
46 | MDA | Moldova | |
47 | MCO | Monaco | |
48 | MNG | Mongolia | |
49 | MNE | Montenegro | |
50 | MMR | Myanmar | Visa Exemption of 14 days |
51 | NRU | Nauru | |
52 | NLD | Netherland | |
53 | NZL | New Zealand | |
54 | NOR | Norway | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
55 | PLW | Palau | |
56 | PAN | Panama | |
57 | PNG | Papua New Guineaư | |
58 | PER | Peru | |
59 | PHL | Philippines | Visa Exemption of 21 days |
60 | POL | Poland | |
61 | PRT | Portugal | |
62 | QAT | Qatar | |
63 | ROU | Romania | |
64 | RUS | Russia | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
65 | WSM | Samoa | |
66 | SMR | San Marino | |
67 | SRB | Serbia | |
68 | SVK | Slovakia | |
69 | SVN | Slovenia | |
70 | SLB | Solomon Islands | |
71 | ESP | Spain | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
72 | SWE | Sweden | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
73 | CHE | Switzerland | |
74 | TLS | Timor Leste | |
75 | ARE | United Arab Emirates | |
76 | GBR | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Visa Exemption of 15 days |
77 | USA | United States of America | |
78 | URY | Uruguay | |
79 | VUT | Vanuatu | |
80 | VEN | Venezuela |
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